Performance Tables
Full details of Twyford CofE High School results can be found in the Department for Education School Performance Tables. Information about all schools and colleges in Ealing can also be found on their website.
Latest GCSE and A Level Results
Twyford is very proud of its students' achievements in external examinations across all key stages.
2024 A Level and GCSE Results
2024 A Level Results
You can view the 2024 A Level Results press release here.
All of our post-16 courses are A Levels:
Level 3 value added score - A level progress since GCSE | See note below |
Average grade per entry | B+ |
Average points score per entry | 42.9 |
Number of students entered | 330 |
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons with data from previous years.
We expect the Department for Education to publish official statistics relating to the Summer 2024 results during the Autumn term. The figures above are from the school's own calculations based on our results.
Level 3 Value Added will be published once the DFE release results statistics based on national results outcomes. We expect this to be released in the late Autumn/early Spring term.
Progress in English and Maths at Key Stage 5:
This shows the progress made by students who joined in Year 12 with less than a grade 4 in GCSE English and Maths.
Progress made in English | N/A |
Progress made in Maths | N/A |
As our entry requirement for the Sixth Form includes the requirement of achieving at least a grade 5 in English and Maths, the number of students included in this measure are small (or zero).
Pupil Retention:
The DFE publish official statistics showing whether students completed their main study programme. These figures relate to students who completed their 16-19 study in Summer 2024.
Students completing their main study programme: Awaiting DFE publication.
Pupil Destinations:
Pupil destination data is published by the DfE two years after students have left the school. This data is about students reaching the end of 16 to 18 study in 2022 that progressed to degrees, higher apprenticeships or other study at level 4 or above for at least 6 consecutive months in the 2 years after taking advanced level qualifications (level 3) at this school.
Students staying in education for at least two terms after 16-18 study: 70%
2024 GCSE Results
You can view the 2024 GCSE Results press release here.
Progress 8 Score |
+1.08 |
Attainment 8 Score |
64 |
Pupils Achieving a grade 5 or better in English and Maths GCSEs |
74% |
English Baccalaureate average point score |
6.1 |
Pupils Achieving the English Baccalaureate (grade 5 or above) | 64% |
Pupils Entering the English Baccalaureate |
87% |
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons with data from previous years.
Further detail, including comparisons with local and national data is available on the DFE Performance Tables.
Pupil Destinations
Pupil destination data is published by the DfE two years after students have left Year 11. This data is about students reaching the end of Key Stage 4 in 2022 that progressed to and sustained post-16 education or employment.
Students staying in education or employment for at least two terms after Key Stage 4: 98%.
Further detail, including comparisons with local and national data is available on the DFE Performance Tables.
2023 A Level and GCSE Results
2023 A Level Results
You can view the 2023 A Level Results press release here.
All of our post-16 courses are A Levels:
Level 3 value added score - A level progress since GCSE | N/A |
Average grade per entry | B+ |
Average points score per entry | 42.6 |
Number of students entered | 314 |
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.
Progress in English and Maths at Key Stage 5:
This shows the progress made by students who joined in Year 12 with less than a grade 4 in GCSE English and Maths.
Progress made in English | N/A |
Progress made in Maths | N/A |
As our entry requirement for the Sixth Form includes the requirement of achieving at least a grade 5 in English and Maths, the number of students included in this measure are small (or zero).
Pupil Retention:
The DFE publish official statistics showing whether students completed their main study programme. These figures relate to students who completed their 16-19 study in Summer 2023.
Students completing their main study programme: 98.7%.
Pupil Destinations:
Pupil destination data is published by the DfE two years after students have left the school. This data is about students reaching the end of 16 to 18 study in 2021 that progressed to degrees, higher apprenticeships or other study at level 4 or above for at least 6 consecutive months in the 2 years after taking advanced level qualifications (level 3) at this school.
Students staying in education for at least two terms after 16-18 study: 70%.
2023 GCSE Results
You can view the 2023 GCSE Results press release here.
Progress 8 Score |
1.26 |
Attainment 8 Score |
67.3 |
Pupils Achieving a grade 5 or better in English and Maths GCSEs |
82% |
English Baccalaureate average point score |
6.44 |
Pupils Achieving the English Baccalaureate (grade 5 or above) | 67% |
Pupils Entering the English Baccalaureate | 90% |
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.
Pupil Destinations:
Pupil destination data is published by the DfE two years after students have left Year 11. This data is about students reaching the end of Key Stage 4 in 2021 that progressed to and sustained post-16 education or employment.
Students staying in education or employment after Year 11: 99%
2022 A Level and GCSE Results
2022 A Level Results
You can view the 2022 A Level Results press release here.
All of our post-16 courses are A Levels:
Level 3 value added score - A level progress since GCSE | N/A |
Average grade per entry | A- |
Average points score per entry | 46.06 |
Number of students entered | 273 |
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.
We expect the Department for Education to publish official statistics relating to the Summer 2022 results during the Autumn term. The figures above are from the school's own calculations based on our results.
Progress in English and Maths at Key Stage 5:
This shows the progress made by students who joined in Year 12 with less than a grade 4 in GCSE English and Maths.
Progress made in English | N/A |
Progress made in Maths | N/A |
As our entry requirement for the Sixth Form includes the requirement of achieving at least a grade 5 in English and Maths, the number of students included in this measure are small (or zero).
Pupil Destinations:
Pupil destination data is published by the DfE two years after students have left the school. This data is about students reaching the end of 16 to 18 study in 2021 and staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after this.
Pupils who stayed in education or went into employment after Year 13 - 71%.
2022 GCSE Results
Progress 8 Score |
0.67 |
Attainment 8 Score |
65.4 |
Pupils Achieving a grade 5 or better in English and Maths GCSEs |
80% |
English Baccalaureate average point score |
6.45 |
Pupils Achieving the English Baccalaureate (grade 5 or above) | 70% |
Pupils Entering the English Baccalaureate | 88% |
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.
Pupil Destinations:
Pupil destination data is published by the DfE two years after students have left the school. This data is about students reaching the end of Key Stage 4 study in 2021 and staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after this.
Pupils who stayed in education or went into employment for at least 2 terms after Year 11 - 96%
2021 A Level and GCSE Results
You can view 2021 A Level and GCSE Results press releases here.
2021 A Level Results
16-18 performance data for schools, colleges was not published by Department for Education for Summer 2021 results due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The figures below are from the school's own calculations based on the results.
All of our post-16 courses are A Levels:
Level 3 value added score - A level progress since GCSE | N/A |
Average grade per entry | A |
Average points score per entry | 48.4 |
Number of students entered | 264 |
Pupil Destinations:
Pupil destination data is published by the DfE two years after students have left the school. This data is about students reaching the end of 16 to 18 study in 2019 and staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after this.
Pupils who stayed in education or went into employment after Year 13 - 88%
2021 GCSE Results
GCSE performance data for schools, colleges was not published by Department for Education for Summer 2021 results due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The figures below are from the school's own calculations based on the results.
Progress 8 Score |
N/A |
Attainment 8 Score |
70 |
Pupils Achieving a grade 5 or better in English and Maths GCSEs |
90% |
English Baccalaureate average point score |
6.9 |
Pupils Achieving the English Baccalaureate | 75% |
Pupils Entering the English Baccalaureate | 89% |
Pupil Destinations:
Pupil destination data is published by the DfE two years after students have left the school. This data is about students reaching the end of Key Stage 4 study in 2019 and staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after this.
Pupils who stayed in education or went into employment after Year 11 - 97%
2020 A Level and GCSE Results
For 2020 A Level and GCSE Results press releases, click here
Message from Ofqual about exam results Summer 2020
2020 A Level Results
16-18 performance data for schools, colleges was not published by Department for Education for Summer 2020 results due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The figures below are from the school's own calculations based on the results.
All of our post-16 courses are A Levels:
Level 3 value added score - A level progress since GCSE | N/A |
Average grade per entry | A- |
Average points score per entry | 47.7 |
Number of students entered | 258 |
2020 GCSE Results
GCSE performance data for schools, colleges was not published by Department for Education for Summer 2020 results due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The figures below are from the school's own calculations based on the results.
Progress 8 Score |
N/A |
Attainment 8 Score |
67 |
Pupils Achieving a grade 5 or better in English and Maths GCSEs |
79% |
English Baccalaureate average point score |
6.3 |
Pupils Achieving the English Baccalaureate | 65% |
Pupils Entering the English Baccalaureate | 76% |
2019 A Level and GCSE Results
2019 A Level Results
16-18 performance data for schools, colleges was published by Department for Education in January 2020 and can be viewed here.
All of our post-16 courses are A Levels:
Level 3 value added score - A level progress since GCSE | +0.31 |
Average grade per entry | B |
Average points score per entry | 41.31 |
Number of students entered | 228 |
Progress in English and Maths at Key Stage 5:
This shows the progress made by students who joined in Year 12 with less than a grade C in GCSE English and Maths.
Progress made in English | N/A |
Progress made in Maths | 2 |
As our entry requirement for the Sixth Form includes the requirement of achieving at least a grade C in English and Maths, the number of students included in this measure are small.
Pupil Destinations:
Pupil destination data is published by the DfE two years after students have left the school. This data is about students reaching the end of 16 to 18 study in 2017 and staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after this.
Pupils who stayed in education or went into employment after Year 13 - 89%
2019 Alps Certificate
Twyford CofE High School has received an Alps certificate of outstanding progess with 3 year T score of 2.33 putting us in the top 5% of schools nationally.
2019 GCSE Results
Progress 8 Score |
0.9 |
Attainment 8 Score |
64 |
Pupils Achieving a grade 5 or better in English and Maths GCSEs |
77% |
English Baccalaureate average point score |
6.1 |
Pupils Achieving the English Baccalaureate |
56% |
Pupils Entering the English Baccalaureate | 74% |
Pupil Destinations:
Pupil destination data is published by the DfE two years after students have left the school. This data is about students reaching the end of Key Stage 4 study in 2017 and staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after this.
Pupils who stayed in education or went into employment after Year 11 - 97%
Ofsted Report October 2023
The school was awarded: OUTSTANDING
Some highlights from the report:
"Pupils are proud to attend this school. Leaders set high expectations, so that pupils behave extremely well, achieve highly and are ambitious for their futures. Pupils thrive on meeting these expectations. Staff and pupils work harmoniously and, as a result, pupils feel safe, happy and excel. Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes across the school are exceptional."
"Leaders have developed a very ambitious curriculum, enhanced by an extensive range of wider opportunities. The education offered at Twyford is unique and highly developed."
"Pupils experience a high-quality education through a meticulously planned, well- designed and sequenced curriculum that is expertly delivered...A trust-wide approach to delivering key content, such as in mathematics, ensures pupils achieve highly."
"Leaders ensure that pupils experience a carefully planned pastoral curriculum. This is strengthened by the schools focus on key behaviours and attitudes through the ‘10:10 ethic’."
You can view Twyford CofE High School Ofsted report below and on the Ofsted website.
Ofsted Report Twyford
For more information about Ofsted, please visit their website.
You can view Ofsted reports on other schools within the Twyford CofE Academies Trust on our website.
The DFE's School Performance Table page for the school can be found here.
SIAMS Report Twyford
The inspector’s feedback highlights the ambition of our aspirational SMSC curriculum including RE and the Pastoral Programme - Tutor Time, Assemblies and Communions. It also captures a glimpse of the 10:10 Ethic in practice through our enrichment curriculum - notably in music, sport, debating, Duke of Edinburgh and Careers advice and guidance, recognising the part which wider learning plays in developing our students’ sense of life in all its fullness.
Some comments from the Inspection findings:
"Committed leaders ensure that the school is vibrant and highly inclusive".
"The ambitious and aspirational curriculum is shaped by the 10:10 ethic. This is a purposeful learning culture throughout the school".
"Learners cultivate a caring and consistent school culture where students and adults thrive".
"Students make exceptional progress in RE. This is as a result of the high-quality curriculum provision and profile of the subject".
Individual Knowledge of Your Child
At Twyford, each child is known as an academic individual through careful diagnostic testing. Using this information, challenging targets are set that are effectively communicated and then evaluated at key points during the year. A well-constructed whole school assessment system allows our students to take control of their learning and make personal assessments of their progress. There are two formal exam weeks in December and June, assessing all completed work to date in the core subjects (English, Maths, Science, Languages and Humanities). In addition to this, there are regular Standardised Assessments with grades made accessible to parents. More detailed information relating to these Standardised Assessments can be found on the VLE.
Effective Communication with Parents
This is integral to the success of any school. Parents will receive Termly Reports that provide information on effort and achievement in all subjects and at the end of the year, a full report will be produced. Parents will be expected to attend all Information Evenings and Parent Consultation Evenings. In addition to these formal reporting systems, parents can access information relating to conduct points, attendance and punctuality data via the VLE. Each week, parents will review and sign their child's diary which will contain key information relating to that week. Personal communication with your child's Tutor and Head of Year will be vital in supporting your child. To support this process there will be a Target Setting Meeting in September between student, parent and tutor.
Independent Learning
Independent learning is critical to the success of your child at GCSE and A-Level. It is our philosophy to develop the required skills within each subject as soon as students join the school. From day one of Year 7, there will be a 15 minute lesson preparation task set in each lesson – that means 5 tasks set per day. Longer pieces of assessed homework in the form of essays, projects, assessments and presentations will also be set fortnightly. The combination of lesson preparation tasks, to be completed each evening, and longer more developed pieces of work will ensure your child develops the independent learning habits required to succeed as they develop academically. Each core subject will outline a series of tasks to be completed independently of school. These will be called Level 4 Tasks and are designed to stretch students and encourage curiosity within each subject.
Financial information including the Gender Pay Gap report can be found on Twyford CofE Academies Trust.
Parent View is an online facility that allows parents to give their views about Twyford CofE High School at any time during the school year.
Parent View uses a questionnaire to ask for opinions on 12 aspects of the school from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour.