Help us improve school facilities!

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Dear Parent/Carer,

For many years this school has been able to upgrade significantly its buildings, equipment and recreation areas with the help of large financial contributions from the School Fund ("the Fund", previously known as the Governors' Fund). We wish to continue to do so in the coming years.

The Fund has been built up from financial donations from the great majority of parents. The Fund is held in a separately administered bank account and designated fund under the control of the Governors of Twyford C of E High School and the Directors of the Twyford C of E Academies Trust and subject to audit by the Trust’s auditors.

In the last decade the Fund has contributed well over £1m towards the cost of major building and IT network projects, some of which are shown in the document below:

Improved Facilities

Updated: 18/10/2023 441 KB

In addition, the Fund has paid for the full cost of some smaller projects.

Regular, generous giving has played a vital part in ensuring that the school can continue to thrive. The last big contribution was to alterations to the sports hall to enable it be used for other events. An ongoing commitment has been made to paying for increased access to Wasps sports pitches. Last year's projects included replacement of old picnic benches with new ones made of recycled plastic as suggested by the student council. Increasingly government funding only pays for essential maintenance so contributions from the School Fund help us go much further with improving the standard of our facilities.

As a guide, we suggest parents give £20.00 monthly for each pupil educated here. However, all contributions are voluntary and will be received gratefully. This year we have set up an online giving page which can be accessed by clicking the 'Donate Now' button. Please be sure to select Twyford School Fund to ensure your donation supports the correct school. We also strongly encourage you to complete the Gift Aid form if you pay UK income tax. By doing so you will add 25% to the value of your donation.

If you have any queries concerning donating to the School Fund please contact our School Fund administrator on [email protected].

Yours sincerely,

Phil Bennett
Acting Associate Headteacher

Mrs Magdalina Tromans
Chair of Governors

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