The majority of Twyford students stay on into the Sixth form, which means we are able to invite applications from external students to join the Sixth form, whose roll is currently over 500.

Twyford has a thriving Sixth form. We offer a wide range of courses, ranging from traditional A Level courses to some more vocational options.

Making decisions about the next stage of your education is both exciting and challenging. Exciting in the sense that you can now focus on the areas of study which will lead to success and enjoyment. Challenging, because you need to make an informed decision, which will open career options for the future.

As a school, we have taken care to ensure a full curriculum offer of A level courses. Thus we can provide a diet of educational experience, which will indeed make learning interesting, inspiring and enjoyable. Some of the subjects will be entirely new to you; others may offer progression from your current GCSEs. All courses provide logical progression routes from GCSE to Sixth Form and beyond.

All students are given individual ‘information advice and guidance’ interviews before entry into the Sixth Form and individualised curriculum packages are offered to students provisionally by February and ultimately according to the grades gained at GCSE. Most students take 3 or 4 courses at Advanced levels in new and familiar subjects. For students who have achieved particularly highly at GCSE and who are likely to be going for highly competitive courses such as medicine or applying to Oxbridge or Russell group universities there is an additional enrichment curriculum designed around the IB model. This includes Critical Thinking as a means of developing their analytical skills and ability to articulate complex ideas, a philosophy course and an extended research project.

You can view a video of life in our sixth form here.

Life in the Sixth Form undoubtedly assumes a new dimension. As young adults, with higher education or employment very much on the horizon, you will establish a different relationship with your teachers and the expectations placed upon you will also be very different. Your views and contributions will continue to be highly valued and we will actively seek to enhance your personal skills and qualities through training and experience. You will also have the chance to become more involved in the way the school operates and school improvement initiatives…in short, to be real ambassadors for the school throughout our own and the wider community.

Although the future may appear a little daunting, we sincerely believe that you will thoroughly enjoy yourselves as you become immersed in Sixth Form life.

Being a member of the Sixth Form is about gaining valuable qualifications and taking opportunities to fulfil your potential, both academically and as a person, developing confidence and a sense of responsibility alongside increasing maturity.

Application for a place in the Sixth Form is a positive act. Your choice should be based upon a real desire to benefit from the courses offered and the wealth of wider opportunities. It is important not to make an instinctive decision but to consider all of the options and choices available to you. Do talk to the subject staff. We all want you to choose a combination of courses which is right for you and guarantees your future success. As mentioned above, it is now the case that over 90% of Year 11 students progress into the Sixth Form. We are also oversubscribed with students from other schools who apply to join the school following GCSE. Of the small number of Twyford students who leave at the end of Year 11, some enter appropriate and worthwhile employment, some enter highly specialised vocational courses in other institutions and a few find it advantageous to make a fresh start elsewhere. If you are accepted for a place in the Sixth Form, be assured that we will invest all our support and expertise in your future.

Please visit Admissions for application details.

Updated: 24/10/2024 1.09 MB

Sixth Form Course Guide

Updated: 24/10/2024 1.22 MB


Applications for the 16-19 Bursary for the academic year 2024-25 are now open. Supporting evidence must be emailed to [email protected]; applications will not be processed without evidence. 

All students who believe they are eligible for a Twyford 16-19 Bursary will need to complete the online application form below and submit supporting evidence, including those who have previously been in receipt of a Twyford Bursary.

All applicants must read the 16 - 19 Bursary Policy which outlines the eligibility criteria for all applicants. 

For enquiries relating to the Twyford 16-19 Bursaries please email the school office; [email protected].

16-19 Bursary Policy

Updated: 24/03/2022 516 KB

Twyford Bursary Fund Application Form


Download the Year 12 Community Service Guide:

Community Service Guide

Updated: 02/09/2024 416 KB