The science curriculum at Twyford encourages students to ask the important questions: why and how? Each student will study science for at least 7 hours a fortnight with lessons encompassing both theory and practical work. This broad and balanced approach to the science curriculum enables pupils to develop the key scientific skills necessary to become an outstanding scientist.
As part of our commitment to wider learning in science, we have developed strong links with world-class academic scientific institutions to ensure our students have access to scientists at the cutting edge of their research. Students will have the opportunity to attend lectures and workshops both within school and as part of external trips to further develop their passion for science.
Throughout the year we have a plethora of activities taking place within the science department including:
Year 7 Science Club - students carry out different practical activities to delve deeper into the science in the world around them
Year 8 Science Club - students carry out different practical activities to delve deeper into the science in the world around them. Students will also have the opportunity to achieve a Bronze CREST Award
Year 12 MedSoc - a group of avid future Doctors meet regularly to share ideas and develop their knowledge of current medical practices as well as prepare for their medical school applications
Year 13 MedSoc - a group of avid future Doctors meet regularly to share ideas and develop their knowledge of current medical practices as well as prepare for their medical entrance exams and interviews
Triple S club for all year groups – lower school students can work alongside sixth form students to discuss science that interests them or ask for help with their schoolwork
Year 12 CREST awards – students will work in a small group alongside a researcher at Imperial College London to carry out novel research based around their interests
Cambridge Chemistry Challenge – students will have the opportunity to complete a paper which tests them beyond the scope of their A-Level Curriculum
Chemistry Olympiad – students will have the opportunity to complete a paper which tests them beyond the scope of their A-Level Curriculum
Biology Olympiad – students will have the opportunity to complete a paper which tests them beyond the scope of their A-Level Curriculum
Chemistry in Action and Chemistry Live – students had the opportunity to hear 5 chemistry researchers at the cutting edge of their specialism talk about their research as well as receiving exam tips from an examiner
Biology Live – students had the opportunity to hear 5 biology researchers at the cutting edge of their specialism talk about their research as well as receiving exam tips from an examiner
Physics in Action and Physics Live – students had the opportunity to hear 5 physicist researchers at the cutting edge of their specialism talk about their research as well as receiving exam tips from an examiner
GCSE Science in Action and GCSE Science Live – students had the opportunity to hear 5 scientists at the cutting edge of their specialism talk about their research as well as receiving exam tips from an examiner
External Speakers
External speakers come in after school to deliver talks about their specialisms to students. In previous years, talks were given by a kidney surgeon, a dentist, a mechanical engineer, a midwife, an animal research charity and a pharmacologist along with many others.