I extend a warm welcome to you as Twyford CofE High School's Acting Associate Headteacher. I am privileged to lead such an aspirational and prestigious school which believes in each child living ‘life in all its fullness’. Twyford’s deeply Christian foundations mean we believe that every child has extraordinary God-given potential and this motivates us to never settle for less than excellence for our students because they deserve the highest expectations.

Twyford CofE High School is part of Twyford Church of England Academies Trust and our curriculum has been designed to support students of all abilities to be ambitious in their progression through school and on to future pathways. We offer an extensive extra-curricular programme which extends the school day and sustains breadth beyond taught courses and exam syllabuses. Teachers are very aware of the needs of students with SEND and care is taken to ensure access to the curriculum for these students.  7% of students in years 7-11 have Education, Health and Care plans and there is an additionally resourced provision specialising in the support of Speech and Language development and ASD students.

Careful thought has been given to the design of the Curriculum, ensuring all students complete a full National Curriculum programme at KS3 and select a strong core of facilitating subjects as well as specialist courses at GCSE. The ambition of the school’s approach takes into account experience of progression pathways at post-16 where the school is very proud of achieving a 100% progression rate, with no students falling into the NEET category (Not in Education, Employment or Training) at post-16. This is thanks to a well-developed approach to Careers, Information, Advice and Guidance which closely aligns with the Pastoral Programme designed to deliver PSHE within the context of the strongly articulated Christian values of the school (see Ethos and Vision tab above).

Twyford is a comprehensive school with a roll of just over 1600, including a Sixth Form of over 600 students. The sixth form offers a wide range of A-Levels giving the breadth of opportunity. In addition, as part of the Twyford CofE Academies Trust, students also have the option of progressing to more specialist courses at our partner schools. William Perkin offers exceptional Sports provision at A-Level whilst Ada Lovelace offers a technical T level curriculum, offering T Levels in Digital Production, Design and Development, Laboratory Science and Accounting.

Support with college applications, including some taster sessions, are arranged from Year 10 onwards for students wishing to study other specialist vocational or applied courses. The majority of students from the sixth form progress to university taking a wide range of routes including competitive courses such as Medicine and Engineering at Oxbridge and top Russell Group universities. We are equally proud of the students from our successful creative and technical post-16 offer (Music & Music Tech/Graphic Design/Art/Photography/Film and Drama) who go on to practical courses and training places in the creative industries.

Throughout the school Twyford has an exceptional emphasis on community service and supporting each other through engagement with a wide-ranging extra-curricular programme. Twyford’s Music specialism provides a wealth of opportunities for students to participate at all levels in musical choirs and ensembles.  Our Sports programmes include competitive house competitions as well as borough and national teams.  Meanwhile other societies across the school range from everything from bee-keeping to chess club, Engineering Society to Twyford Christian Fellowship group.  Each student is encouraged to participate and serve in the area which suits their gifts best.  Finally, there is also a very strong student leadership team from Years 7-13, led by the Sixth Form, who energise the student body and each year renew and add to Twyford’s unique heritage and identity.

I hope this broad welcome gives you a sense of how ambitious Twyford is for our students; for their spiritual, moral and cultural development, as well as their academic performance, because this is what ‘life in all its fullness’ means to us.

Mr Phil Bennett

Acting Associate Headteacher


Twyford became a church School in 1981, when the London Borough of Ealing sold the premises to the London Diocesan Board.

The present School came into being largely as a result of a determined campaign by a group of local parents, a number of whom are still involved in supporting the School.

In its 2023 Ofsted Inspection Twyford was praised as being an Outstanding School where pupils receive a high-quality education.

Twyford CofE High School is a community, confidently rooted in the Christian tradition having an inclusive approach to other faiths and none. We celebrate that we are all created and loved by God. We believe that every individual has the capacity to make a positive contribution to the world if they engage intelligently and recognise their God-given gifts. Our mission statement (the 10:10 ethic) recognises that we can experience life to the full and we aim to create an environment where students can explore what this means so that they work purposefully and joyfully towards their goals.

The 10:10 ethic is taken from John 10:10 and is an ethos based on the theological narrative of creation, fall, redemption and renewal. Students and staff are supported to understand that they have been made good (creation), with unique gifts and talents; that they therefore have the capacity to be and do good, and use these gifts and talents in service of the community; that being human means having weaknesses (fall), but that weakness is not something to be ashamed of, rather an opportunity to learn through accepting support (redemption); finally, they are supported to understand that through this they can become a stronger person and be in a position to engage fully with opportunities offered by school (and life), committing to impact their community to the best of their ability (renewal). The 10:10 ethic is represented thus:

In order to live out the 10:10 ethic, Trust schools apply the following principles:

  1. Confidently Christian
  2. Positive & Purposeful
  3. Committed to Improvement
  4. Outward Looking 
  5. Systematic
  6. Able to explain intelligently at all levels
  7. Consistently Pastoral


At Twyford we wish to instil a love of learning. The curriculum is broad and balanced. The core subjects of Mathematics, English and Science provide a very secure foundation for progress. With each intake of new Year 7 students we aim to build immediately on their achievements at Key Stage 2. Setting in Maths, Science and Languages starts in Year 7 and in other subjects in Year 8. As students move up the school, their available options become increasingly varied.

Our language curriculum is very well developed - at KS3 students study either French or Spanish with able linguists (half the year group) also studying Latin. In Year 8, more able linguists are offered German as a second modern foreign language. All students are then encouraged to study at least one Modern Language at GCSE (they choose from French, German or Spanish). Many take more than one language at GCSE and some elect to study Latin as an extra subject. At KS3 pupils have the opportunity to take part in a wide variety of trips to Normandy, Madrid, Black Forest and Verulamium. At KS4 the school organises trips to Barcelona and Paris and at KS5 students are supported to arrange bespoke exchange visits with students in France, Spain and Germany. In addition, our teachers have developed privileged links with primary schools across the borough and help to train teachers to teach French and Latin at KS2.

All students take ICT, History, Geography, Music, Drama, PE, Art and Religious Education. Religious Education GCSE is taken one year in advance of other subjects and our success rate in this subject is particularly high.

All students have ICT lessons and use computers as a learning tool in many subjects. A full programme of Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship is also followed by all students.

As a Specialist Music College Twyford has a well established reputation throughout the local community. In 2011 it has been the lead partner within the newly established Ealing Music Partnership providing support with the development of ensemble music and music teaching across the Borough. Twyford's extensive programme of over 20 extra curricular ensembles has led to collaborations with BBC Songs of Praise, The World Service, The English Chamber Orchestra, The Mayor of London, St Paul's Cathedral, Ealing Youth Orchestra, The Royal Opera House, The Royal Albert Hall, Jazz FM, Trinity College, Streetaction, Inspire-works and Music for Youth. More recently the school organised and hosted the Ealing Youth Music Prom in association with Ealing Youth Music and amazing event featuring acts of over 500 students from 17 different schools across the borough.

The Arts have a very high profile at the school. In Drama and Music students learn confidence in performance which enriches their ability to learn in all other subjects. The school also has an excellent reputation for a wide range of sports. PE lessons cover Netball, Gymnastics, Dance, Football, Hockey, Basketball, Cricket, Rugby and Athletics; with each sport entering teams into borough competitions.