Twyford CofE High School policies are covered by the Twyford CofE Academies Trust policies. These include:
Key School Policies
Accessibility Plan
Assessment Policy
Child Protection Policy
Curriculum Policy
Equality and Diversity Objectives and Action Plan
Online Safety Policy
Provider Access Policy
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
SEN Policy
SMSC Policy (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural)
Wider Learning and Information, Advice and Guidance Policy
Work Experience Policy
Privacy Notice for Students and Parents
For all other policies please see the Trust website.
The Pupil Premium is funding provided by the Department for Education to enhance the education of the most socio-economically deprived.
Details of the School's Pupil Premium Funding strategy for the current academic year including how it is used and to what effect are published in the report below. This report also includes how the Pupil Premium was spent and the effect of the expenditure for the previous academic year.
The Year 7 Catch Up Premium is funding provided by the Department for Education to help raise the attainment of pupils who have not reached level 4 in English or Maths when they start secondary school.
Details of the School's Year 7 Catch Up Funding, including how it is used and to what effect are published in the report below.
The Covid 19 Catch Up Premium is to support children and young people to catch up on missed learning caused by coronavirus (COVID 19).
Charging and remissions
The school does not charge pupils for materials or activities which are a requirement of their course. Extra-curricular activities such as trips and school meals are charged for. Pupils eligible for free school meals are not charged for their midday meal.
Concessionary rates may be available in some cases.
Charging Policy
Free School Meals
Please see Free School Meals page for further information.
Paper Copy
A paper copy of the content of this website can be obtained free of charge from the Office Manager.