Introduction & PAN

Twyford Church of England Academy has an admission number of 190 students for entry into Year 7. The school will accordingly admit at least 190 students in the relevant age group each year if sufficient applications are received. All applicants will be admitted if 190 or fewer apply.

These arrangements and the criteria listed below are reviewed annually by the governing body, and should not be regarded as binding for future years.

The ethos of Twyford Church of England High School is one which respects all faiths. We believe that all our lives are given and governed by God. We are inspired by the words of St Athanasius ‘The Glory of God is a life lived to the full’. We expect our students to fulfil their potential academically, personally and spiritually.

We ask all applicants applying for a place here to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community. All applicants should be supportive of the aims, attitudes and values, expectations and commitment of this Church of England Academy. This does not affect the right of parents who are not of the Christian faith to apply for and be considered for a place here.

All applicants, including those of no faith, wishing to apply for a place at the school must fill in their home local authority’s Common Application Form. When applying on behalf of a Looked After Child or Previously Looked After Child (see definitions below), applicants must ensure they indicate this clearly on the Common Application Form.

Of the 190 places available:

150 are designated as Foundation (Christian) places

21 are designated as World Faith places

19 are designated as Music places

Applicants wishing to apply for a place for their child for one of the above categories are asked to refer to the relevant admissions criteria for that category, and complete the appropriate Supplementary Application Form.

When there are more applicants than the number of places available, the Governors will admit according to their admissions criteria. After the admission of Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan, all Looked After Children (see definitions below) or children who were Previously Looked After, whether of a particular faith or no faith, have priority over all other applications.

Looked After and Previously Looked After Children, as defined below, will be allocated a place from one of the above categories. If a Supplementary Information/Application Form is not submitted in relation to a Looked After or Previously Looked After Child, they will be allocated a place pro rata from the Foundation/World Faith categories. The number of places available in these categories will be reduced accordingly and, in the event of oversubscription, the remaining places will be allocated according to the relevant oversubscription criteria for that category.

In the event of a shortfall of applicants providing a religious reference, those applicants who have listed Twyford as one of their choices on the Common Application Form, but not provided a religious reference, will be considered. If there are more of such applicants than places available, then the same “tie break” oversubscription criteria as that listed on page 2 of either of the Foundation/World Faith Policies will apply.

In Year Applications

Applicants wishing to make an in-year application should arrange for the Supplementary Information Form to be filled in and return it to the school. If a place cannot be offered at this time you will be informed of the reasons and placed on a waiting list which is ranked in the order of the oversubscription criteria and not in the order in which the applications are received. Names are removed from the list at the end of June each academic year.


Child with an Education, Health and Care Plan

A child with an Education Health and Care Plan (“EHC Plan”) in whose EHC Plan the school is named as the appropriate educational placement.

Looked After Child

A child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making an application to a school.

Previously Looked After Children

These are defined as those who immediately after being “looked after” became subject to an adoption, child arrangement, or special guardianship order, including those children who appear (to the admissions authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.

Adoption Order

This is defined under section 46 of the of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 as an order made by the court on an application under section 50 or 51 giving parental responsibility for a child to the adopters or adopter.

Child Arrangement Order

Section 8 of the Children Act 1989 defines a “child arrangements order” as an order regulating arrangements relating to any of the following—

(a) with whom a child is to live, spend time or otherwise have contact, and

(b) when a child is to live, spend time or otherwise have contact with any person;

Special Guardianship Order

This is defined under section 14A of the Children Act 1989 as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians).

Additional Information

Church of England/Anglican Point (or Churches in Communion therewith)

One point is awarded to applicants whose family's main place of worship is at a Church of England Church or Churches in Communion with the Church of England. Various pieces of legislation make reference to 'Churches in communion with the Church of England'. This term may be taken to include the following Churches, listed in Canon C8: Churches in Communion with the Church of England

Churches in Communion with the Church of England

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Information regarding Churches with membership to the Evangelical Alliance (EA) or affiliation to Churches Together in Britain & Ireland (CTBI) can be found on their websites: and

Affiliation to the CTBI means that your Church must be affiliated to a member of the CTBI (i.e. Our Lady of Lourdes Roman Catholic Church, Acton is a subsidiary of the Roman Catholic Church, which is a member of the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland).


The Academy will use Ealing Council's timetable for applications each year (exact dates within the months may vary from year to year). This will fit in with the timetable for the co-ordination of admission arrangements within London.

Admissions appeals for Year 6 into 7 entry in September will be scheduled for May. Appellants will be given at least 10 school days' notice of their appeal.

Deanery Calculator

If you are unsure which Deanery you are in, enter your postcode in the calculator below and press the enter key to find out your deanery.

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For entry into Year 7 in September 2025, the determined admissions arrangements (entrance criteria) can be found below.

The closing deadline for submitting Year 7 Supplementary Information Forms is 4:00 PM on Friday 25th October 2024. Applications submitted after this time and date will be marked as received late. Please be advised the school office hours are 8am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday during term time.

Year 7 Admission Arrangements for 2025/26

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The online Specialist Music Scholar Application Form for Twyford, Entry 2025 has now closed.

The online application closing deadline for Specialist Music applications to Twyford was Friday 27th September 2024 by 4:00pm. Applications submitted for Twyford after this date and time will not be accepted. 

In-Year Admission Arrangements for 2025/26

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The In-Year Open/Non-Religious and In-Year Specialist Music Scholar Application Forms for Entry 2025 will be online forms that will be published here in September 2025.

Sixth Form Admission Arrangements for Entry 2025/26

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The online Sixth Form Application Form for Entry 2025 will be published here after the Sixth Form Open Evening in November 2024. Please note that we do not accept paper Sixth Form applications. 

The closing date for Twyford Sixth Form Entry 2025 applications for all students is Monday 2nd December 2024. Applications submitted for Twyford after this date will not be accepted. 

Please note External applicants who do not fall into Priority 1 or 2 of the second allocation of places, as referred to in the “Entrance Criteria for Twyford Sixth Form Academic Year 2025-26” ("Entrance Criteria Policy”), and who have applied by the December deadline will be invited to undertake relevant pre-admissions tests in early January for the purpose of determining conditional offers for these students. Twyford CofE High School will ensure that all pre-admissions testing will provide fair and objective measures of aptitude. Please refer to in the “Sixth Form Admissions Timeline Entry 2025' for more information.

Please note that there are electronic versions of the Specialist Music applications, In-year Open/Non-Religious applications (see In-Year Admissions tab) and Sixth Form applications.

Although the majority of Twyford students enrol into the Sixth Form, we are also able to invite applications from external students to join the Sixth Form, whose roll is approximately 600. Twyford has a thriving Sixth Form and we offer a wide range of courses, ranging from traditional A Level courses to some more vocational options.

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Application to Twyford Sixth Form

Twyford Sixth Form Entry 2025 application has now closed.

Sixth Form applications must be submitted through the online application. Please be advised we will not be accepting paper applications.

The closing deadline for Internal and External applications is Monday 2nd December 2024.

Upon completion of the online application form, both the applicant student and parent/carer email address will receive an automatic email confirming that your application has been received along with a pdf copy of your application for future reference.

If for any reason you do not receive a confirmation email, are experiencing technical difficulties or you wish amend your course selections, please email [email protected] with your application ID number, full name and date of birth. If you submit more than one application, we will accept your most recent submission as your active application.

Below are the confirmed admissions arrangements for Twyford Sixth Form (entry in September 2025).

Sixth Form Admission Arrangements for Entry 2025/26

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Sixth Form Application Pack - Entry 2025/26

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Twyford Sixth Form Pre-Admissions Testing

External applicants who do not fall into Priority 1 or 2 of the second allocation of places, as referred to in the “Entrance Criteria for Twyford Sixth Form Academic Year 2025-26” ("Entrance Criteria Policy”), and who have applied by the December deadline will be invited to undertake relevant pre-admissions tests in January for the purpose of determining conditional offers for these students. Twyford CofE High School will ensure that all pre-admissions testing will provide fair and objective measures of aptitude. Please refer to in the “Sixth Form Admissions Timeline Entry 2025' for more information.

Late Applicants for Entry September 2025

Late applications (any application submitted after the closing deadline) submitted through the electronic admissions system will not be reviewed.

If you are interested in attending Twyford Sixth Form, you are welcome to visit the school on National GCSE Results Day, Thursday 21st August 2025, between the hours of 14:00 - 16:00pm with an official copy of your GCSE results and if you have met our entry and course specific requirements and if there are spaces available our sixth form department will review your application.

As enrolment will be taking place for on-time applicants who received conditional offers, members of the Sixth Form team may not be able to meet with you individually to discuss your application, however, you will be required to complete a pre-enrolment form that will be considered.

Please note that we are unable to confirm the likelihood of enrolment. Placement is determined by meeting both the general and individual entrance requirements, as well as subscription to course selection.


2024/25 Academic Year

In-Year Admissions are for those wishing to apply for a place at the school during the academic year.

Applicant families are able to apply from the beginning of the Autumn Term and onward throughout each academic year. Parents and carers who submit supplementary information forms at the beginning of September will be notified at the end of the second week of the Autumn term. Should any places be available, offers will be made before the October half-term.

Please note that Twyford's in-year process operates outside of co-ordination (with Ealing Council). Applicant families who apply throughout the remainder of the academic year can expect to receive the outcome of their application within 15 school days to allow for Religious references and measured distances to be verified.

In the case of there being more applicants than places available, the same over-subscription criteria as published for admission to Year 7 will be applied to in-year applications.

In-Year admissions for 2024/25 academic year are subject to the Admissions Policy for September 2024 entry which can be found below. Please read this criteria before completing the relevant form.

In-Year Admission Arrangements for 2024/25

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Please contact Ealing Council In-Year Admissions for information about applying for other schools in the borough whilst you are on our waiting list. You will remain on the waiting list for Twyford CofE High School, even if you are offered a place at another School in the borough.

Application for Open/Non-Religious Applicants:

In-Year Specialist Music Application: 

The assessment sessions for in-year Specialist Music applications will be co-ordinated by the Admissions Team, who will be in touch shortly after receipt of an application.

Waiting lists for the relevant academic year are terminated annually on the 30th June.

Unsuccessful applicants have a statutory right to appeal for a place at the Academy. See details in Appeals tab. Appeals will be heard by a panel which is independent of the Academy and the Governors.


After the admission of applicants with an Education, Health and Care Plan, in the event of over-subscription (i.e. more applicants than places available) after deducting the number of places (if any) allocated to Looked After and Previously Looked After Children (see definitions section referred to above) then, when deciding between applicants who ostensibly have equal entitlement, the Governors will use the following criteria when deciding priority:

  1. The total points scored will be the first deciding factor based on the length and frequency of voluntary attendance (for both the child and parent/legal guardian) at a place of worship. Applicant families whose main place of worship is an Church of England Church will be scored an additional Anglican point.
  2. Children with a sibling (sibling refers to all blood, half, step, adoptive and foster children who live at the same home address as the child already attending the school and will be attending the school at the time of the sibling’s attendance) at the school, with distance criteria as set out below being used as a tie break.
  3. Applicants living in the Ealing Deanery area, with the distance criteria applied.
  4. Applicants living in the Brent & Harrow Deanery areas, with the distance criteria applied.
  5. Applicants living in the Hillingdon Deanery area, with the distance criteria applied.
  6. Applicants living outside the above categories ii-iv, with the distance criteria applied.

In all cases, the distance from home to school is measured by straight line from a point in the property to the nearest gated entrance which is used by pupils to enter the school grounds. The measuring system ‘Synergy’ is an integral part of the admissions software produced by Servelec Synergy. It uses Ordnance Survey maps and is accurate to 2 metres.

For multi occupancy buildings such as flats, the measurement is taken from a point in the property and applicants from that building are ordered by independently administered random allocation.

In any other case, where applicants have the same priority on distance, independently administered random allocation will be the final deciding factor. Where a child lives with parents who share parental responsibility at different addresses, the address as given on the Common Application form will be used.

Twyford is unable to facilitate personal tours throughout the academic year.

Twyford hosts two Open Evenings during each Autumn term for Year 6 into 7 pupils and prospective Sixth Formers. Applicants are able to tour the school site and meet with current pupils and teaching staff from all seven of our year groups, as well as our Language College and Music College specialist departments. Applicants with Education, Health & Care Plans are able to visit our Additionally Resourced Centre (ARC). Headteacher Talks are held throughout the evening to provide insight into the school’s history, ethos and community in addition to our curriculum, pastoral and wider learning opportunities.

Entry 2025 Open evening dates: 

  • Year 6 into 7 Open Evening - Thursday 19th September 2024 (Headteacher Talks at 5:30, 6:30 & 7:30 PM). This will be a ticketed event, the online booking system will be published on the school website and will open on Thursday 12th September 2024 at 9:00 AM.
  • Sixth Form Open Evening -  Thursday 14th November 2024 (Internal pupils are expected to arrive at 5:45 with their Headteacher Talk at 6:00 & external applicants Headteacher Talks will take place at 7:00 & 8:00 PM). This will be a ticketed event for external students, the online booking system will be published on the school website and will open on Thursday 7th November 2024 at 9:00 AM.

The admissions process and application packs will be distributed during each evening event with a member of the Admissions Department available to meet with applicant families in the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) who may have any additional queries.

Outside of these specified events, Twyford is closed to the public and is unable to host personal tours throughout the academic year.

Admission of EHCP students

Admission of Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan is via the local authority. The Year 5 Annual Review offers an opportunity to express parental preference. The primary school offers guidance. In October, prior to the September transfer, each school will read the papers sent by the LA. Places are offered to students whose needs can be met. Parents are informed by the LA by 15th February on their year of transition of the school place offer.

Further information can be found in the SEN Report and SEN Policy below.

SEN Information Report

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SEN Policy

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Applicants have the right to appeal against the decision of the Twyford Governors' Admissions Panel, not to admit their child to the Twyford Church of England High School.

  • Main Round (Year 6 into 7) appeal hearings are held at Twyford and take place in May each academic year. 
  • Sixth Form appeal hearing are held at Twyford and take place in October each academic year.
  • In-Year appeal hearings are held at Ealing Council and take place throughout the academic year

Details for each of these can be found below.

The Department for Education advice on admission appeals hearings can be found here.

In-Year Appeal Process, Entry 2024/2025 (if your child is currently in high school)

If you wish to make an in-year appeal, you will need to submit the Application to Appeal Form directly to Ealing's Committee Section - please contact their team directly here.


Main Round Appeals Process, Entry 2025/26

The Main Round Application to Appeal form will be available on the website from the 3rd March 2025.


Sixth Form Appeals Process, Entry 2025/26

The Sixth Form Appeal form will be available on the website on Thursday 21st August 2025.

The notice of appeal form for Sixth Form Entry 2024  has now closed. Sixth Form appeals were held on Thursday 10th October 2024. Supporting statements or additional documentation can be submitted via the appeal form (in PDF and/or JPEG format).

Late Appeals

Any late appeal applications submitted within the final 20 school days will not be heard until September 2024. We strongly encourage you to submit your application to appeal upon notification that Twyford is unable to offer your child a place at the School.

Twyford Church of England High School is consulting on its Admissions policy for entry into Year 7 in September 2026.


The reason for consulting is that we wish to include ‘Children of Staff’ places as part of our admissions criteria. This proposal has been approved by the Twyford Trust Board of Directors following discussion with the Local Governing Body and comes about predominantly to address the issues of recruitment and retention of staff in the current climate of teacher shortages.


The proposed changes can be found on the Ealing Council website: here.


Should you wish to comment on the proposed changes, you can complete Ealing Council’s short survey: here.


The consultation will run until Monday 6th January 2025.

Admissions Office Hours are from 9.00am - 4.30pm during term dates.

The Admissions Office is available by email only - all queries, regardless of urgency will need to be emailed to [email protected]Outside of peak processing times, we endeavour to respond to all queries within five working days.

Ealing Council's School Admissions Team contact information can be found here: