School life at Twyford is full of opportunities for students to learn. We encourage them to grow as individuals and we have a strong sense of community. We expect students to do their best for their own sake and for the sake of others. Most importantly in a faith school, we believe that all of our lives are given and governed by God.

We expect our students to fulfil their potential academically, personally and spiritually.

Twyford is a Church of England school and is built on strong Christian principles. We believe in a world which is lovingly and purposefully made and that all people have God-given gifts to use wisely and well. At the school, we aim to create a positive ethic of appreciation for all that the world offers and gratitude for our human capacity to do and be good. We will work to ensure that this ethic embraces all of our students, whatever their faith or background.

We aim therefore to be a community which:

  • Intelligently engages with the world;
  • Exercises wise stewardship of both the environment and personal talents;
  • Lives thankful and creative lives;
  • Develops individuals’ capacity to make a positive difference to others

These aims are embedded in a Twyford Etiquette. The etiquette includes our duty to use our gifts wisely, welcome to visitors, our politeness to teachers and fellow pupils, our deportment around the school and our capacity to be calm and receptive. Twyford CofE High School promotes silence during Tutor Time and lessons which accustoms students to prayerful reflectiveness and self-control.

At Twyford we wish to instil a love of learning. The curriculum is broad and balanced. The core subjects of Mathematics, English and Science provide a very secure foundation for progress. With each intake of new Year 7 students we aim to build immediately on their achievements at Key Stage 2. Setting in Maths, Science and Languages starts in Year 7 and in other subjects in Year 8. As students move up the school, their available options become increasingly varied. The Modern Foreign Languages Department offers French, German and Spanish. Able linguists are encouraged to take 2 languages as well as Latin from Year 8 onto GCSE level. The School offer a wide range of exchanges with international schools to develop the students linguistic skills. All students take ICT, History, Geography, Music, Drama, PE, Art and Religious Education. Religious Education GCSE is taken one year in advance of other subjects and our success rate in this subject is particularly high.

All students have ICT lessons and use computers as a learning tool in many subjects. A full programme of Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship is also followed by all students.

The Arts have a very high profile at the school. In Drama and Music students learn confidence in performance which enriches their ability to learn in all other subjects. The school also has an excellent reputation for a wide range of sports. PE lessons cover Netball, Gymnastics, Dance, Football, Hockey, Basketball, Cricket, Rugby and Athletics; with each sport entering teams into borough competitions.

The staff of the school love to see their students succeed and have high expectations that each will do well according to his or her abilities. All students follow a core GCSE programme of English, Maths, RE, ICT and Science, however from Year 9 there is flexibility of course choice depending on aptitude. Some students will take Chemistry, Biology & Physics as separated Sciences and an accelerated double Languages programme is available. At GCSE there are a range of courses to suit the aptitudes of each student. Individual support is given to ensure that students receive the best advice on the most appropriate subject and exam choices available to them. Students may take up Media or Business Studies at the beginning of Year 10 or focus their energies on vocational areas such as Music Technology . Accelerated courses for more able students run outside of the normal timetable in Music, Dance and Media Studies. In Year 11 students follow a one year GCSE short course in Citizenship. There are a number of support options for students who need a more modified programme.

The School places a high premium on achieving positive outcomes in formal exams and achieves. The majority of Twyford students stay on to the 6th Form where we are proud to offer a wide range of A-Levels and Vocational courses. Students may continue to follow courses in the same subject areas as they have taken at Key Stages 3 and 4. Or, they may like to start on a whole new subject from a very stimulating selection; Economics, Further Mathematics, Music Technology, Philosophy, Photography, Politics, Psychology, Computing Graphics or Law. Twyford is one of the first schools to have run a Diploma and Creative Media course which is the equivalent of 2 A Levels. This is an applied course which includes use of our industry standard Performance Centre and Radio Station as well as managing public performance at the Lyric Theatre in Hammersmith. In addition to these core courses the school expects 6th Form students to participate in a Baccalaureate style portfolio of wider activities. This includes Critical Thinking programmes, Community Service and two RE conferences per year which are a chance to engage with outside speakers on a spiritual or moral topic of particular relevance. There is also an established programme for the most able students targeted at preparing them for entry to Oxbridge and highly competitive courses in Russell Group Universities (Medicine, Veterinary Science etc).

Twyford is a comprehensive school and is very aware that its students have very different abilities. Our aim is to provide a learning environment that encourages all students to achieve.

Twyford Etiquette

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Travelling to School by car is discouraged and all visitors and pupils are requested to travel by more sustainable means. There is no parking on the school site during the daytime, and limited parking for after school events and meetings.

The School is unable to provide parking for visitors during the school day and parking is limited for evening events and is not available on Open Evenings.

Twyford is in the London Borough of Ealing’s Controlled Parking Zone G which restricts parking between 9.00 – 10.00 and 15.00 -16.00 Monday – Friday.

A number of the roads near the school have designated free 30 min parking spaces these include Twyford Crescent, Hillcrest Road and Willcott Road and these should be used when picking up or dropping off pupils during the school day. Morrison’s supermarket entranced from Steyne Road provides 2 hours free parking after which a penalty is levied.


Public Transport

The school is well served by public transport. Transport for London lines run to the following stations, all of which are a short walk from the school:

TfL Routes

Acton Town (Piccadilly Line and District Line), about 10 minutes walk

Ealing Common (Piccadilly Line and District Line), about 10 minutes walk

West Acton (Central Line), about 15 minutes walk

Acton Central (London Overground), about 15 minutes walk

Bus services (207, 607 and 440) stop outside the school and Acton High Street and Ealing Common (Uxbridge Road) are served by several routes, both of these locations are about 10-15 minutes walk from the school.

National Rail

The nearest National Rail station is EALING BROADWAY (First Great Western services and also Heathrow Connect). It is about a 30 minute walk from the station to the school, or catch the District Line to Ealing Common or a 207 or 427 bus (leave the station, turn left to the main road, the bus stop is on the right outside WH Smith).

Once again, there is NO PARKING available in the school grounds and very limited on street parking in the area.

The Transport for London website has up to date travel information on the Underground, Overground and bus networks

The café is open from 8am until 4pm. We have a fully equipped kitchen that is committed to healthy eating for our students, staff and visitors. There is no compromise on quality and we provide a choice of hot and cold food and drink.

We believe that everyone will enjoy this café-style dining experience with its quick and cashless service. Parents need to register with ParentPay for students to be able to enjoy the cashless service.

Please see below the Twyford CofE High School Menu. The menu runs on a two week cycle to ensure there is variety and choice.


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Please find communications from Impact Food Group below:

Impact Food Group

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Twyford CofE High School kitchen received the top rating of 5 = very good from Ealing Council's Food Regulatory Services Officer the rating certificate is shown below.

Ealing Council has signed up to a new national food hygiene ratings scheme (in partnership with the Food Standards Agency). The scheme will give information about the hygiene standards in establishments where food is served. Please visit Ealing Council's website for further information.

Free School Meals

To find out about registering for Free School Meals and other information please see Free School Meals.

The school operates a positive and negative points system:

  • Students will be rewarded with positive points for good behaviour, good participation in class, good work and many other achievements. Successes are celebrated in tutor time, in school assemblies and in the school newsletter.
  • As we have the highest expectations of our students, sanctions will be enforced for poor behaviour. Each negative point given to a student equates to a same-day 15-minute after-school detention.
  • 2 or more negatives in a day result in a 20-minute detention (KS3 same day at 3.20pm. KS4 next day at 1.20pm)
  • Serious one off incident results in a 90-minute Senior Detention (3.20-4.50pm).
  • Other serious or persistent disruptive behaviour will result in a fixed term suspension or permanent exclusion as per the guidance above.

When a detention is issued, parents will be notified via email. Students will not be excused from detention unless they have a medical appointment (evidence will be required)

Conduct Points and Learning Habits

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